Friday, 17 April 2009

He is an Artist !!!

I was in my home when i could hear spellbinding sounds from Shehnai. I thought it was some function somewere, and they have took effort to play records of Ustad Bismillah Khan.
I came in porch just to breathe in some fresh air and was spellbound again to find this beared man in front of main gate playing that shehnai in actual along with his "naati" (as he called him).
My sis n me couldn't hold on but meet him and give him some words of appreciation and take a pic too.

So artistic, so hard working but much more down to earth, the duo from Karnataka. One must have never thought from ancient India that artist will have too wander in scrotching sun and give free treat to everybody's ear and not get even noticed!!
I wanted to tell him to pass on his art to next generation, but then I thought, for what?

1 comment:

Mr Happy said...

Imagine if he had not used it in front of u and said This is my copyright :P wat would have been ur reaction ?;)