Thursday 25 September, 2008

First one...

Hello Reader..
This is my first kindly bear it...
Let me start with something that is influencing me at large now a days..and thats OSHO.
I have been reading his book "Bin Baati Bin Tel"..its my first reading of rajneesh and halfdone and still he have managed to influence me like nothing else..
The contents of book touches every fact of life. one is God.
Osho doesn't believe in 'Bhagwan' as such but trust the concept of parmatma.
But at the other hand he also says that...when there is no fear of God, people like Hitler and Mao take birth on earth.

I had been thinking on it for long and thought that how the concept of God affects us..
Hitler, Mao like people had no fear of them going to hell or a cursed rebirth, for their heinous acts, because they never believed in God or any other such it was so easy for them to kill thousands of people.

With this i recalled past discussions on Presense of God (which we all have atleast once in our life, right??)
We keep on debating if God is there or not...but does it really matters when due to his fear so many People must have stopped themselves from commiting crimes..they must have controlled their behaviour, language, acts because of this fear...even if God isn't there, his virtual presence can leave so many crimes unattempted...I find God in this this fear...If a pray can give somebody a Hope...then, as my blog says...he gets a "life".

I will stop here but would like to have your thoughts on it..whatever it may be